Assman Office Furniture
Assman Office Furniture. Für umfassenden Service bei Planung, Lieferung, Möbelaufbau etc. sorgen wir in enger Zusammenarbeit mit unseren qualifizierten Bürofachhandelspartnern vor Ort. We always apply the highest standards to ourselves and our work, whether in regard to quality, service or sustainability.

Showroom as inspiration for customers and dealers.
Flooring Showroom Furniture Showroom INK & TONER FINDER.
Bij het ontwikkelen van onze producten en onze conceptuele interieurontwerpen staat de mens centraal! The office furniture manufacturer from Melle is expanding its local presence with a new display in Switzerland and a reopening in Bavaria Assmann Büromöbel GmbH & Co KG. is further expanding its showroom locations with a comprehensive redesign and a… Based in Melle, Germany, the office furniture manufacturer Assmann has received the "European Level" sustainability certificate from the European Federation of Office Furniture (FEMB) umbrella organisation. Assmann Büromöbel now stands for top quality, functional and design-oriented desk and storage systems.
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